This is where it gets tricky. It was a Friday afternoon that we met her in the ER again and the doctor said they were going to have to schedule her for surgery Saturday morning due to the severity of the break. We sat in the ER with her for several hours while arrangements were being made and tried our best to answer her repeated questions about where was she, she wasn't sick, why can't she go home, etc. It is the hardest thing to explain to a person who can't remember in the short term and truly does not know what is going on.
My husband and I stayed with her over the weekend and were able to get breaks with the sitters which was helpful. I have always believed that something good can come of something bad. We were disappointed because we had to cancel a weekend getaway with another couple when the MIL took the fall and was hospitalized. For the first time, I had some real feelings of frustration and at one point had a little pity party. It ended soon enough but it was still feelings that I didn't expect and I had to have a "little talk with myself" to put things in perspective.
So, you ask, what was the good that came of something bad. In the midst of this hospital stay, the hospital staff saw quickly the current state that my MIL was in and communicated that message to the doctor. We raised concerns with the medical team treating her about how she would return to the nursing home given her tendency to unwrap her bandages and pick at the staples. The doctor said he was going to write orders for her to go to a rehabilitation facility and given her Alzheimer's would recommend another facility that could do both---the facility we had originally wanted her to go to but couldn't get her in. We were quickly visited by a social worker from the facility who assured us she would be admitted and that she could transition from a "rehab patient" to a "resident" after 30 days. I literally broke down and cried----this is the good that came of something bad! Praise the Lord!
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